Harpoontang – 11.26.2011 @ Mercury Cafe

The Mercury Cafe, Denver, CO

Source:  MBHO KA-200N’s > Active Cables > MBHO MBP 603A > Lunatec V3 > Oade Mod Edirol R44 @ 24/48 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 > Resample to 16/44.1 > CDWave
Taped by:  Lance Stack

1. Key to the City
2. unknown
3. Jingle Me Down
4. Cock Rock
5. Dang, J
6. unknown
7. Ruby Red Hacksaw’s Lament
8. unknown
9. Hymen Back
10. Rocket to Beaver
11. Waterfalls Medley

A zipfile of the MP3s is available here.
FLAC files are available upon request.

Posted under CO Artists,CO Shows,Mercury Cafe, Denver, CO by admin on Wednesday 15 February 2012 at 12:59 am

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